#FreeThemNY #FreeThemNY #FreeThemNY


The #FreeThemNY campaign is a project of the New York affiliate of Survived and Punished, a grassroots prison abolitionist organization.


Our campaign is dedicated to freeing criminalized survivors of gender violence held in prisons in New York. We call on Governor Hochul to immediately use her clemency powers to free people from prisons.


To learn more about the larger perspectives behind this campaign, visit the “Analysis & Vision” section of the Survived and Punished national website.


We call on Governor Hochul to immediately use her clemency powers to free criminalized survivors of gender violence held in prisons in New York. We call on Governor Hochul to immediately use her clemency powers to free criminalized survivors of gender violence held in prisons in New York. We call on Governor Hochul to immediately use her clemency powers to free criminalized survivors of gender violence held in prisons in New York.

-Survived & Punished NY

End the criminalization of survivors of domestic and sexual violence!

Take Action